Walking by Faith, Not by Sight
By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
Let me tell you something these eyes of mine? They’ve fooled me more times than I care to admit. My sight only catches what’s right in front of me, the obvious, the surface-level stuff. But just because something looks a certain way doesn’t mean that’s the whole story. My own two eyes have convinced me I was stranded when help was right around the corner. They’ve made me think a situation was hopeless when, in reality, I was just a few steps away from a breakthrough. I’ve stared at closed doors so long that I forgot windows exist. That’s the thing about sight it’s limited. It only works with what’s visible. But faith? Faith works with what’s possible.
You ever look at your life and just feel stuck? Like you’re backed into a corner with no way out? That’s your sight talking. That’s your circumstances trying to narrate your future. But I’ve learned the hard way what I see isn’t always what is. Life has a way of dressing up challenges to look permanent when they’re just passing through. My vision has made me doubt, made me worry, made me think I was done for. But faith? Faith is that quiet voice that says, “Hold on you don’t know the full story yet.” Faith is the gut feeling that keeps you moving even when everything around you screams, “Give up.”
I’ve had nights where my thoughts ran in circles, my bank account looked like a bad joke, and my prayers felt like they were bouncing off the ceiling. My eyes showed me failure, lack, and struggle. And when you stare at struggle long enough, it starts to seep into your spirit. You start talking from that place doubting yourself, snapping at the people who care about you, shutting down. You start believing that what you see is all there is. But faith will shake you up, pull you out of that dark place, and remind you that your circumstances are just a moment, not a life sentence.
"For we walk by faith, not by sight." That’s not just a feel-good saying that’s survival. That means I can’t trust my eyesight to tell me the truth about my future. That means when everything looks like it’s falling apart, I have to trust that something bigger is being built. That means when my path looks blocked, I have to believe that a way is being made even if I can’t see it yet. Faith is what lets you stare at a storm and say, “Alright, let’s see what blessings this rain brings.”
I’ve met people who have nothing but still move like they’ve got the world in their hands. And I’ve met people who have everything but live in constant fear of losing it. The difference? Faith. Faith is what lets you stand tall when everything around you is crumbling. Faith is what keeps you steady when life is throwing punches. Strength and courage ain’t the same thing strength holds you up, but courage pushes you forward. And faith? Faith fuels them both.
And let me be real faith isn’t easy. It’s not always pretty. It will make you look crazy to people who only trust what they can see. Faith will have you preparing for rain when there’s not a cloud in sight. Faith will have you showing up for a miracle when everyone else has already left. Faith isn’t just believing in what’s possible it’s walking toward it when there’s no proof it even exists yet.
I’m saying all this to you, but I’m also saying it to myself. Because I know what it’s like to let my physical eyes convince me that all hope is lost. I know what it’s like to let my emotions call the shots. I know what it’s like to stand in front of what looks like a dead end and forget that faith can turn walls into doors. But faith? Faith says, “Keep going.” Faith says, “You haven’t seen the full picture yet.” Faith says, “The Creator isn’t finished with you.”
So if you’re standing in the middle of uncertainty, don’t let your sight scare you. What you see right now is not the full story. There’s more happening behind the scenes than you can imagine. Keep walking. Keep believing. Keep trusting. Because one day, you’ll look back and realize that what looked like an ending was just the setup for something greater.

Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.