Speaking to the Storms
By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
Life is funny sometimes, isn’t it? Just when you think you’ve got everything under control, it throws you straight into a storm. And not just any storm, but one of those relentless tempests that seems determined to shake you to your core. Emotional whirlwinds, financial downpours, or spiritual droughts—we’ve all been there. But what if, instead of letting these storms toss us around, we learned to stand firm and speak directly to them? What if, in the middle of the chaos, we declared with unwavering faith: “This storm won’t last. You have no power here.”
I’ve had more than a few storms in my life, and trust me, they’ve been wild. But there’s one memory that remains vivid—a storm that nearly swept me away. It was when I had just lost my son at nine days old. The grief was like a hurricane, pulling me in every direction. My finances were crumbling, and spiritually, I felt like a leaf tossed in the wind, completely drained. In moments like that, it feels as if the rain of doubt and fear is pouring down so hard you can’t even see where you’re headed.
And yet, in the middle of all that darkness, a thought crossed my mind: storms, no matter how fierce, are temporary. They don’t last forever, even when it feels like they will. So, I did something unexpected. I stood up—not physically, but spiritually—and I spoke to the storm within me. “You will not break me. You will pass, and I will still be standing.”
It sounds bold, I know. Maybe even a little dramatic. But that’s the thing—storms have a way of convincing you that they’re in control, that they’re the ones calling the shots. What they don’t tell you is that you have the power, not because of anything within yourself, but because of the Creator who holds you steady. It’s like being on a boat in the middle of a turbulent sea. The waves may toss you around, but if your anchor is strong enough, you won’t capsize. The Creator is that anchor, keeping us steady even when everything else is in turmoil.
One thing I’ve learned is that storms are part of life’s rhythm. They’re inevitable. They’ll shake us, challenge us, and sometimes even make us feel like we’re breaking apart. But, and here’s the kicker, they don’t last. The storm wants you to believe it’s permanent, that it’s here to stay, but you have the authority to look that storm in the face and say, “Your time is up. It’s time for you to move on.”
I remember another time when everything I worked for felt like it was unraveling before my eyes. My dream of being a writer? Seemed like it was slipping away. My efforts to build an organization that uplifts and encourages people? They felt like they were falling apart at the seams. I tried so hard, but no matter what I did, it felt like I couldn’t take off. Evil eyes were watching, hoping I would fail. People were casting spells, sending bad energy my way, wishing I would sink. But here’s the thing about me—I don’t give up easily. Even when my physical eyes saw nothing but darkness, even when I was suffering, I held on to my faith. I refused to let go of the vision I had.
Now, I’m not saying it’s easy to hold on when everything is falling apart. It’s not. There were times when I wanted to throw in the towel and just let the storm take me wherever it wanted. But that’s when I remembered something: storms are temporary. The sun is always behind the clouds, even when you can’t see it. And as long as I stayed anchored in the Creator, I knew I’d come out on the other side.
It’s funny, though—when you’re in the middle of a storm, people’s advice can sometimes be less than helpful. “Just stay positive!” they say, or “It’ll all work out in the end.” Easy for them to say when they’re not the ones getting soaked! What I needed in those moments wasn’t empty platitudes. I needed real spiritual friends, the kind who remind you to keep your eyes on the Creator, to stay connected to that divine source. Not the kind who tells you to turn away from the Creator or cut the umbilical cord to the womb of creation. No, real friends, the ones who encourage you to stay rooted, are invaluable during life’s storms.
One thing I’ve realized is that the company you keep during these times matters. It’s like being in a boat with others during a storm. If they’re not rowing in the same direction as you, or worse, if they’re poking holes in your boat, then you’re in trouble. You need people who will help keep your vessel steady, not drag it down.
I remember a moment when I was sitting in prayer under an immense amount of stress. It felt like the weight of the world was pressing down on me, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t see a way out. And then, like a whisper from deep within, I heard: “This too shall pass.” Something is comforting, even humorous, about such a simple truth. It’s like the Creator was gently nudging me, saying, “Don’t worry, kid. I’ve got this.”
When you’re in the thick of a storm, it’s easy to forget that the sun is still shining behind the clouds. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s gone. And that’s what faith is, isn’t it? Faith is believing in the light even when you can’t feel its warmth on your face. It’s the certainty that no matter how long the storm lasts, it’s not forever.
So, here’s my advice to you, from one storm-tossed soul to another: Speak to your storm. Don’t let it define you. Don’t let it make you feel small or helpless. Stand tall, look it in the eye, and say, “You don’t control me. You will pass, and I will be okay.” And guess what? The storm will listen. Maybe not immediately, but it will. Storms are temporary, but your spirit is not.
And here’s the real beauty of it all: when the storm finally breaks, when the clouds part and the sun comes shining through, you’ll realize something. You weren’t just surviving the storm—you were growing through it. The storm didn’t weaken you; it strengthened you. It taught you how to navigate the waves, how to stand firm, and how to trust that the Creator always has your back.
At the end of the day, storms will come and go, but the peace that resides within you is unshakable. So, next time you find yourself caught in the tempest, remember: you have the power to speak to it. And when you do, the storm has no choice but to obey.